Why can't I lose weight?

Why can't I lose weight?. According to a report by Mintel, at least one in six women is trying to lose weight. If you're losing the battle perhaps it's because of one of the reasons below:

1. Your upbringing Weight problems may be linked to whether you were breast or bottle-fed. According to German research, breastfed babies are less likely to be overweight as they get older.

This could be because they are fed on demand, establishing healthy eating habits, while bottle-fed babies tend to be fed when the mother decides it's time, so the baby may not actually be hungry.

'This could damage the baby's innate eating control ability,' says Dr Susan Jebb, head of nutrition health research at the Medical Research Council in Cambridge.

2. Lying about what you eat Research shows obese people under-report when asked to fill in a food diary. 'People who are overweight have a tendency to kid themselves that they don't eat more than anyone else,' says Dr Wendy Doyle of the British Dieticians Association.

She advises keeping a diary for a week, writing down everything you eat and drink. 'If you can force yourself to be honest, you will probably be surprised at the sheer quantity.'

If someone is obese, then they eat 2,500 calories per day just to stay at this weight. Once this amount is reduced, the weight should come off.

3. Insufficient sleep If you are not losing weight, it may simply be that you're exhausted. Rozalind Gruben, who runs health and nutrition company Health Unlimited, says: 'If you are feeling tired, the chances are you won't exercise, and will have little willpower to resist stimulating and fattening foods. In addition, an exhausted body is crippled in its ability to detoxify or release stored fat.' She advises that you listen to your body signals and try taking more rest.

4. A lack of muscle The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate. Muscle burns 25-33pc more calories than fat.

The best way to increase your muscle mass is to do strength training. Beginners usually find it easiest to follow a course of exercises on machines in a gym. Later, you can follow a programme on your own at home using free weights or your own body weight for resistance. Ideally, you should strength train three times a week, targeting at least eight major muscle groups.

5. An underactive thyroid The job of the thyroid gland is to produce thyroxin, a hormone which can affect your metabolism.

The two most common types of problems that occur with the gland are overactive thyroids (hyperthyroidism) and underactive thyroids (hypothyroidism). It is the latter that can result in weight gain, as it decreases your metabolic rate by 5pc.

Other symptoms include a lack of energy, a slow heartbeat, dry thick skin and a puffy face. Once detected, it can be treated by a thyroid hormone drug which will restore your metabolism to its normal rate.

6. It's in your genes If you're worried that you are gradually growing into the figure of your mother, your fears may be justified.

According to James O. Hill, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado in Denver: 'With genes, gender and hormones in common, mothers can often provide daughters with a fairly accurate map to their future shape.'

There are three main genetic body shapes or 'somatypes' - ectomorph (naturally long and lean), mesomorph (muscular frame) and endormorph (more rounded appearance).

'Genetically, everyone is dealt a pack of cards - but, ultimately, it's up to you how you play them,' explains nutritionist Penny Hunking. 'There is a lot you can do to counteract genetics - through sensible eating and exercise.'

7. You skip breakfast Studies show that people who eat breakfast are leaner than those who don't. Eating breakfast helps prevent high-fat snacking later in the day.

Penny Hunking recommends starting the day with some cereal and toast with low-fat spread and Marmite. Alternatively try mushrooms and tomatoes on toast, or yoghurt and fresh fruit.

'Eating a high-carbohydrate, low-fat breakfast will kick-start your metabolism and improve your concentration and performance later in the day,' says Hunking.

8. You have 'PCOS' Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects one in ten women. It gets its name from the tiny cysts that form on the ovaries. These are actually a symptom of the condition, not the cause, and are different to ovarian cysts.

Women with PCOS are often overweight and have problems losing weight, particularly around their middle. Other common symptoms include excess body hair, fatigue, period and fertility problems, breast pain and acne.

9. Worrying about weight Distress about being overweight can reduce your body's ability to shed unwanted pounds. Rozalind Gruben says long-term stress exhausts the adrenals. 'These glands produce cortisol and thyroxin, both of which are needed for the releasing of stored fat.'

10. Deficient in nutrients A lack of vital nutrients will result in less energy and, consequently, a greater predisposition to laying down fat. Essential vitamins and minerals for weight loss include B1, B2, B3, B6, C, iron, chromium, zinc and co-enzyme Q10.

'Ensuring that you have an adequate supply of these nutrients will increase the effectiveness of any weight loss programme,' says Patrick Holford, author of The Optimum Nutrition Bible. ( dailymail.co.uk )

1 comment:

  1. Try eating less salt and also will watching tv jog or run in place during cermercials. MY family did this

    and we all lost about 10 pounds each month.Wish helpful for all!!!
